보르네오에 더 가까이

라사리아 보호구역의 중심부

자연에 더 가까이

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문화에 더 가까이

우리 소개

샹그릴라 라사리아, 코타키나발루

판타이 달릿의 멋진 백사장을 따라 위치한 샹그릴라 라사리아는 코타키나발루 국제공항에서 40분, 도시의 쇼핑과 상업지구에서 35분 거리에 있습니다. 이 리조트는 보르네오의 독특한 동식물을 많이 발견할 수 있는 자연 보호 구역을 포함한 400에이커의 무성한 열대 숲으로 둘러싸여 있습니다.

라사리아 보호구역

Rasa Ria Reserve, a 64-acre jungle between rivers and the South China Sea, offers unobstructed views of UNESCO-listed Mount Kinabalu, serving as a gateway to Borneo's lush landscapes for hotel guests.

The Rasa Ria Reserve is divided into two distinctive zones - Nature Reserve and Adventure Point. The dedicated 64-acre nature is home to numerous plants and animals endemic to Borneo while the Adventure Zone is an experiential play space that recreates animal species along with experiential pieces like a climbing wall to encourage the development of body and mind through immersive experiences.

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At the heart of the Rasa Ria Reserve is a Discovery Centre that educates through tactical exhibitions. The Resident Naturalist nurtures the reserve with the maintenance of the natural surroundings to ensure that fauna and flora continue to thrive. They also offer an opportunity to witness these endemic species through guided walking trails.

The Rasa Ria Nature Reserve was established by Shangri-La Rasa Ria in collaboration with the State Wildlife Department of Sabah in June 1996. The primary purpose of setting up this protected ecological space was to help facilitate rehabilitation programmes for endangered species of fauna endemic to Sabah. The reserve’s focus on rescue and rehabilitation work, as well as education and awareness programmes over the next 20 years after its establishment, saw a marked reduction in the number of orangutans sent to the reserve for care.

The Orangutan Rehabilitation Project concluded successfully in 2016, with all orangutans now residing at the Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre in Sandakan. The reserve then refocused its energy on providing the best possible environment for the remaining flora and fauna that have come to call the reserve their home.

The Rasa Ria Reserve is home to over 80 bird species that grace lush landscapes and gardens with vibrant colours and melodious calls. Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature through solo or group bird-watching experiences. As part of our commitment to biodiversity, the reserve is also home to Stingless Bees. Discover the world of these remarkable creatures through our immersive activities. Learn about their anatomy, life cycle, and diet. Get up close with a live colony, take a farm tour, sample raw honey, and learn how to harvest it. It's a hands-on experience for those interested in these amazing creatures and their honey.

보존 프로젝트 단계

지난 20년간 라사리아 보호구역에 의해 시작된 보존 프로젝트는 오랑우탄들을 위한 재활 센터로서의 주된 역할에서 서식지 풍부화, 야생동물 구조 및 재활, 환경 교육 및 인식으로 발전해 왔습니다. 미래를 위해 자연을 보존하기 위한 그것의 장기적인 약속은 올바른 선견지명과 결단력이 주어진다면, 환경과 사람들이 어떻게 조화롭게 함께 살 수 있는지에 대한 증거입니다.

라사리아 보호구역의 새로운 개발 단계는 동물 구조대를 통한 사바 야생동물 부서와의 협력, 리조트 투숙객과 학교 학생들과의 나무 심기 계획, 그리고 학생들을 위한 교육적 방문과 프로젝트를 통해 자연 정서에 대한 인식과 책임감을 강화시킬 것입니다.

라사리아 보호구역에서 할 수 있는 일을 알아보세요.